Joseph Jekyll manuscript material : 17 items 1821-1835


Joseph Jekyll manuscript material : 17 items 1821-1835

Joseph Jekyll, English lawyer and politician. · To Lady Blessington, writer and literary hostess : 16 letters : -- 1 autograph letter signed : 20 Jun [1821] : (BLES 3.236a) : from Spring Garden : begins, "Don't upbraid me, for I am so lame so sensible that I have not inflicted two Morning Visits anywhere since I did Homage in Seymour Place." -- 1 autograph letter signed : 13 Jun 1822 : (BLES 3.237b) : from Spring Garden : begins, "The horrible Extinguisher annihilated yesterday, seeing no chance of survivorship I fled ..." -- 1 autograph letter signed : 12 Jul 1822 : (BLES 3.236b) : from Spring Garden : begins, "Rogers tells me of 'Magic Lanthorns Sketches' -- you are as false as fair, and send me no copy, though perhaps you think I died last spring ..." -- 1 autograph letter signed : "Sunday" : (BLES 3.238a) : from Spring Garden : begins, "You would have seen me long before now but the horrible East Wind a fortnight ago encored an Interlude of the Gout..." -- 1 autograph letter signed : 17 Dec [1831] : (BLES 3.239a) : from Spring Garden : begins, "Don't think me a Barbarian because I have not fallen at your feet, but on my return to town the Gout amused me for a fortnight ..." -- 1 autograph letter signed : 2 Jan 1832 : (BLES 3.240a) : from Spring Garden : begins, "In consequence of a discovery that I could hobble, I have been inundated these days by invitations to dinner ..." -- 1 autograph letter signed : 16 Jan [1832] : (BLES 3.240b) : from Spring Garden : begins, "Never did any Amphytrion of antient or modern times furnish so delicious a plate." -- 1 autograph letter signed : 4 Jan 1832 : (BLES 3.239b) : from Spring Garden : reads in full, "The apparent guilt shall be expiated on Saturday next." -- 1 autograph letter signed : 7 Nov [1832] : (BLES 3.243a) : from Spring Garden : begins, "I should have been at your Ladyship's feet before now if the rascally gout had not disable mine ..."; also includes, "Why is there no more Byron in the New Monthly?" -- 1 autograph letter signed : "Tuesday" : (BLES 3.241) : [no place] : begins, "I have not yet dined out though convalescent, but there is no resisting your invitation for Sunday ..." -- 1 autograph letter signed : "Thursday" (BLES 3.241b) : from Spring Garden : begins, "No love lost between us. This cursed gout has vanished, but left me so lame ..." -- 1 autograph letter signed : 24 Sep 1835 : (BLES 3.242a) : [no place] : begins, "My delightful friend, I thought, was as inveterate a metropolitan as myself, and it petrified me to read that she was betting at Doncaster ..."; with the excised envelope address panel. -- 1 autograph letter signed : "Monday" : (BLES 3.242b) : from Spring Garden : begins, "Colds, catarrhs, the usual compliments of the seasons, in addition to my customary lame excuses, have prevented a morning visit ..." -- 1 autograph letter signed : "Monday" : (BLES 3.237a) : [no place] : begins, "Sincere thanks to my kind and good friend for her enquiries. The gout has confined me to my chamber for a week ..." -- 1 autograph letter signed : 12 Dec [no year] : (BLES 3.238b) : from Spring Gardens : begins, "Thanks, my dear Friend, for your repeated Enquiries, the Attack was confined to my Hand, but I still keep my Chamber ..." -- 1 autograph letter signed : "Saturday" : (BLES 3.243b) : [no place] : begins, "I forgot to send yesterday a little unpublished sketch ..." -- All letters to Lady Blessington mounted in v. 3 of the Blessington Papers. Shelved with oversized manuscript volumes.

17 items


SNAC Resource ID: 6310660

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